• Environmental Excavation – Environmental excavation deals with the removal of pollution or contaminants from environmental media such as soil, groundwater, sediment, or surface water. Once requested by the government or a land remediation authority, immediate action should be taken as this can impact negatively on human health and the environment.

  • HSA (Hollow Stem Auger) – Hollow Stem Augers are used extensively for soil sampling and ground water monitoring in industrial and commercial installations around the world.

  • Diamond Bit Coring (Geo-technical & Environmental) 

  • Direct Push – Direct Push Drilling Technology allows for a wide variety of direct push tooling and instrumentation to be advanced into a subsurface lithology using the static weight of the rig, hydraulic down pressure, and rapid hydraulic hammering. Direct Push Tooling is used to perform soil, soil gas, and groundwater sampling.

  • Rotary Drilling – Rotary drilling is characterized as a method of drilling that employs a sharp, rotational drill bit to bite its way through the earth’s crust. One of the most effective and common methods of drilling, it is used in the construction, mining, and oil industries for its ability to cut through even the most challenging and hardest formations.


Commercial Drilling, Inc.
14377 Quinn Road

Athens, AL 35611

Email: info@commercialdrilling.com
Phone: (256) 679-8181