We all try to look out for the safety of our families everyday. In our daily activities, we can get busy which can cause us to overlook certain issues. As a result, clean water might not be at the top of the list. We simply trust that our water is safe to drink and we neglect it. Because of this, we want to make clean water for your family a top priority. We do this by offering water sampling and water purification services. With our water purification services, you will have confidence that your family has clean and safe water and you can get back to what’s important, your family!
During the water purification process, we remove undesirable chemicals and other contaminants from your family’s water supply. With our water filtration service, you and your family will experience the benefits of professionally treated water all over your home. Designed to fit your family’s specific needs, home filtration solves taste and odor problems. We can resolve issues due to to chlorine or sulfur contamination, dissolved iron, and even scale buildup. Having your water filtered will contribute to longer-lasting plumbing and appliances and will help to reduce utility costs.
Are there drugs in your water?
An investigation by the Associated Press found there are traces of drugs and other contaminants in our tap water. While the study has yet to prove the long term effects on the public, we know contamination is there. Of course, this should concern us all. If this concerns you, we encourage you to give us call. We will do our best to ensure that your family can use your own water source with confidence. Feel free to click on the chart to find out how drugs and other contaminants end up in our water. For more information, we’re just a phone call away.
Call us!
To have your water tested by our trained professionals and to take advantage of our water purification services, give us a call at (256) 679-8181. We’ll put our experience to work for you!